Tag Archives: Claudia Lueck

Jan’s Ruby Chocolate Mousse

For me Claudia’s Chocolate Mousse is the mousse by which all others are judged. It is however, not a health food. Jan has started to make it on anyone’s birthday. Jan spent years perfecting the techniques of making the mousse, but she got bored with making just “chocolate” mousse. She now make a different variation every time she make it.

Jan’s Ruby Chocolate Mousse

Jan’s Ruby Chocolate Mousse

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Filed under Desserts & Treats

Karl’s Bread Pudding

I had been planning to make cheese fondue for a Sunday dinner when Daughter Miriam begged off at the last minute. While I had not yet grated the cheese, I was left with a whole loaf of French bread cut into little cubes. I needed to think of something to do with these, if I was not going to dip them into melted cheese sauce. I could make salad croutons, a cheese strada, or bread pudding. Wife Jan is very fond of bread pudding.

Karl’s Bread Pudding

Karl’s Bread Pudding
We wuz hoongry

Note: While none of us children copied down her recipe, this close to what my mother Claudia would have made as I was growing up.

Karl’s Bread Pudding


4 eggs
1 cup half and half cream
2 Tbs. butter, melted
2 Tbs. Karl’s Orange Infused Sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon, ground
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½ tsp. nutmeg, fresh grated
½ tsp. kosher salt
Pinch cloves, ground

1 loaf French bread, cubed
½ cup currents


1. Put the eggs in a large mixing bowl and whisk them lightly.

2. Whisk in the cream and melted butter into the eggs.

Tip: The butter will most likely congeal into little lumps, but do not be concerned with this.

3. Add the sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, salt, and cloves.

4. Whisk to mix the ingredients.

5. Add the bread cubes and currents.

6. Fold the bread and fruit into the wet ingredients.

Note: This mixture will be really wet. This is as it should be.

7. Pour the pudding mix into a Pam-ed, or buttered, casserole dish that is large enough to take all of the pudding.

Tip: You want at least a quarter of an inch between the top of the pudding and the lip of the casserole. Otherwise, it might spill over onto your oven as it bakes. I always bake with a large baking tray on the lower rack to catch any drips.  It is easier to clean a baking tray than a whole oven.

8. Let the pudding stand for ten to 15 minutes.

Tip: This rest allows the bread and almond meal to absorb some of the excess liquid.

Note: My mother would usually prepare the dish to this point the night before and let it soak, covered, overnight.

9. Cover the casserole with the lid—if it has one—or with aluminum foil.

10. Preheat the oven to 350° F

11. Put the bread pudding in oven and bake for 25 minutes.

Tip: Until the center no longer jiggles loosely, but it is still not completely set.

12. Remove the foil and switch the oven to broil—still at 350° F.

13. Broil for another 15 minutes, until the top is golden brown and an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

14. Let the pudding cool for ten minutes and scoop out to serve warm or chill completely and serve as slices.

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Filed under Breakfast, Desserts & Treats

Claudia’s & June’s Peanut Butter Stuffed Dates

Note: I mentioned these treats in an earlier post and I felt I could not mention them without giving the recipe.

While I am sure that my mother was not the inventor of this dish—wife Jan insisted that her mother’s name be added to the title—it was a common holiday treat in our house growing up.  Sweet Medjool dates stuffed with crunchy peanut butter and dusted with powdered sugar says “Christmas” in my house. These are easy to make, but they do not last long—even when there are no children around.

Claudia’s & June’s Peanut Butter Stuffed Dates

Claudia’s & June’s Peanut Butter Stuffed Dates

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Filed under Desserts & Treats, Holidays, Vegan, Vegetarian

Karl’s Weekday Meatloaf

Wife Jan suggested that I haven’t made meatloaf recently, so I thought I would throw one together. I first learned to make meatloaf from my mother Claudia, but I have moved far awat from that beginning.  Jan has been pushing me to add more vegetables to my dishes, so I planned to make this one more “loaf” and less “meat.”

Karl’s Weekday Meatloaf

Karl’s Weekday Meatloaf

Note: Meatloaf shown with parsley potatoes and steamed broccoli with Hollandaise sauce Continue reading


Filed under Beef, Main Dishes

Karl’s Low Sugar Ginger Strawberry Jam II

The first time I made strawberry jam, wife Jan complained that it was too sweet. I cut the sugar way back and found I had to add some commercial pectin to get my jam to set. I had also tried adding some ginger and I found that it was not enough to rise above the  strawberry flavor. Boosting the amount of fresh ginger did the trick.

Karl’s Low Sugar Ginger Strawberry Jam II

Karl’s Low Sugar Ginger Strawberry Jam II

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Filed under Desserts & Treats

Claudia’s Meatloaf

Before I left home for the first time, I sat down with my mother’s recipe box and wrote down my favorite dishes.  The recipe below is all that was written on both sides of my mother’s 3 x 5 card. When my siblings got together to combine all of the recipes we saved, one of my sisters had a different variation our mother uses of this iconic 1950’s American staple.

Note: I have not made this dish this way in years, so I do not have any pictures of it. Continue reading


Filed under Beef, Main Dishes

Karl’s Marjoram and Parsley Potatoes

We have had company for the last several days, so I wanted a Sunday dinner that was not hours of preparation. An American standard meal of meatloaf, potatoes, and green beans seemed like a good idea. Of course, I could not make it that simple I had to get spontaneously creative.

Karl’s Marjoram and Parsley Potatoes

Karl’s Marjoram and Parsley Potatoes

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Filed under Potatoes, Side Dishes, Vegan, Vegetarian

Karl’s Beef Tacos

Before I left home for the first time, I sat down with my mother’s recipe box and wrote down my favorite dishes. About twice a month, my mother would make tacos. While I have very fond memories of them, they were neither very healthy nor really Mexican cuisine.

Karl’s Beef Tacos

Karl’s Beef Tacos

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Filed under Beef, California Fusion, Main Dishes

Claudia’s Tacos

Before I left home for the first time, I sat down with my mother’s recipe box and wrote down my favorite dishes. About twice a month, my mother would make tacos—in those days, that meant beef tacos. While I have very fond memories of these grease bombs, they were neither very healthy nor really Mexican cuisine. Continue reading

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Filed under Beef, California Fusion, Main Dishes

Jan’s Cinnamon Chocolate Mousse

Jan is making chocolate mousse to go with my 65th birthday dinner. For me Claudia’s Chocolate Mousse is the mousse by which all others are judged. It is however, not a health food. It has replaced cakes as the birthday treat in our house.

Jan’s Cinnamon Chocolate Mousse

Jan’s Cinnamon Chocolate Mousse

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Filed under California Fusion, Desserts & Treats, Treats